Ever wanted to make your own sleep mask? Excellent! This is the perfect blog post for you.
Sleep masks are a wonderful scrap buster. If you don't have a piece of fabric big enough to cut out both pattern pieces you could always use two contrasting fabrics, or stitch some together to make a patchwork sleep mask!
I love my cats. That probably isn’t a shocking thing to read if you’ve had anything to do with me. I love other animals too, but cats will always have a special place in my heart. Even when they rip the couch to shreds trying to sharpen their claws!
My current cats, Rogue and Ziggy, seriously love scratching the poor couch. Ziggy learnt about the joys of sharpening claws on furniture from Rogue, who learnt it from Moss, who learnt it from my old girl Midnight. They sometimes use the scratching pads and the scratching post, but their favourite is the couch. I miss the girls, but it’s a legacy I’d prefer not to have. So with a bit of rope, a needle, and some thread I set to work turning the torn up mess into a new scratching post. Read on to see how I did it, and to get an idea of how to do it yourself. A couple of days ago I popped up How to Sew on Buttons which was originally also going to be a tutorial on how to sew on a hook & eyes and press studs. It ended up being massive, so I split it in three. Today’s instalment is the good ol’ hook & eye! Supplies
I was going to do this post on three different fasteners, but it ended up being huge so I split it. I’ll be posting How to Sew Hook & Eyes and How to Sew Press Studs over the next couple of days. You will need
I’m not a fan of fast fashion. I think it’s disgusting how much waste it causes. I am, however, a huge fan of slow fashion.
Slow fashion isn't a new concept. Historically clothing was mended, repurpoused, and given to other people – sometimes for generations! Perhaps the best known example of this is the Make Do and Mend movement during the Second World War. Make Do and Mend was actually a pamphlet distributed by the British Ministry of Information 1942. It was originally titled Mend and Make Do to Save Buying New, which I only found out recently. The things you learn! Make Do and Mend are also an American post-hardcore band, but this isn’t about them. I’ve wanted to do a post about mending since I decided to start a blog. The only problem was I was finding it hard to edit down the information into a single blog post, so I’ve decided to do #MarchMending. I’ll be posting at least twice a week from now until the end of the month covering different mending techniques along with some other helpful bitlets and boblets. This post is going to focus on the basic mending kit. I was going to write this week’s blog post on the blue dress (you can see it in all its deconstructed glory in 'Goals for 2018') which I had planned on making this week, but it’s been so hot here that there was no way I was going to get out the iron if I could avoid it. Instead this week I've written about the fabric covered pattern weights I made.
Hello!I'm Beth the human behind Little Grassbird. Welcome! Categories
August 2020