I have a not-so-good habit of seeing exhibitions in the few remaining days before they shut. Wonderland was no exception to this habit. I'm so glad I made it before it closed!
Everyone who entered Wonderland was given a map to help them find their way. They aren't any ordinary maps though. There were four different maps based on either the Mad Hatter, The Queen of Hearts, The White Rabbit, or the Cheshire Cat. I ended up with the White Rabbit. Each character had a unique map in both shape and contents! They also included a little chip which meant if you lined up Alice's bottom half (on the map) with her top half (on a table) an animation would play ON THE MAP!
Life's been a bit hectic here for the past little while, but I did manage to get down to Melbourne to check out the Vikings: Beyond the Legend exhibition at the Melbourne Museum before it shut. I also won myself a couple of free tickets (thanks Catmantoo!) to the Cat Lovers Show! I went to both of them with my lovely partner (although he had to leave the Cat Lovers Show early - boo hiss boo) which was really nice. I don't mind going to things by myself, but it's always nice to have someone to share the experience with.
I won't write much more, this post is more about seeing some images from the exhibition and the show. I hope you enjoy them! I finally made it to the Edith Head exhibition in Bendigo. It’s crazy it took me this long to get there, particularly seeing as I only live a 30 minute drive away. I was going to go on the 3rd with some of the girls I studied costume with, but I ended up with tonsillitis on the day so I missed out. I went on Wednesday with my mum instead which was lovely.
Much to my delight photography was allowed in the exhibition – without flash, of course. It was a bit tricky taking photos of the costumes behind glass due to the reflections, but that didn’t stop me. Strap yourself in for a deliciously photo-filled read! |
Hello!I'm Beth the human behind Little Grassbird. Welcome! Categories
August 2020