It's been a while, hasn't it? Last year was an interesting one for me. I spent most of 2017 trying to figure out exactly what Little Grassbird is. Not the bird, you understand, I mean the business. That's not to say I didn't keep myself busy. Quite the contrary! A large part of the year was taken by making a cast of costumes for the Old Castlemaine Gaol. Very exciting indeed! Especially when one costume - the first warder's uniform I made - ended up on the telly not once but twice! The picture below is a work-in-progress shot of one of the hats I made. I'll be writing a post on the costumes which will be up quite soon. In the meantime if you're in the area you can have a look at them in person at the OCG. There's not much else to say in this post, it's more a hello and welcome back. I'm looking forward to keeping up with the blog this year!
Until next time, Little Grassbird xx
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Hello!I'm Beth the human behind Little Grassbird. Welcome! Categories
August 2020